Cedar Mount
NAME Mountainville Cottage /Cedarmount/ Cedar Mount
AREA LOCATION ROEBUCK, Mount Anville Road between Hollywood and Knockrabo.
MAP LOCATION OSI maps of 1838-1845 and 1898-1913 place it in the townland of Roebuck
and it is annotated as Mountainville Cottage and Cedar Mount respectively.
GENERAL ‘A house two stories high, consisting of parlour, drawing room, four bed
chambers and closet with kitchen and servants apartments in basement story with coach house
and stable’ (Brassington 1832).
Bought from NAMA by Knockrabo Holdings in 2016 for use by the residents of the new
Knockrabo house complex. It is expected that it will be in use as a café, gym and library.
YEAR BUILT circa 1790
VALUATION In 1872 the valuation was 60 pounds and in the 1901 census it is noted as
having 12 rooms occupied by family.
ARCHITECT Unknown. Builder - James Gray
SOURCES Thom’s directories, Brassington & Gale 1832 & Griffith's Valuation and
contemporaneous newspapers.
In 1799 the land (meadow & pastures) is leased by the Rt Hon Lord Trimlestown to James Towers, by
1812 it is the estate of Solomon Richards.
1850 - 1851 John West
1852 - 1868 Mrs West
1869 - 1875 John Hamilton Reid
1876 H C Davys Esq/Edward J Davys
1877 - 1878 Stephan Lanigan
1879 Vacant
1880 - 1888 William Douglas Dickie
1889 Mrs Dickie
1890 Vacant
1891 Joseph Smith, RUI Music
1893 - 1943 Rev Henry Kingsmill Moore
1944 - 1946 Benjamin St George Le Froy
1946 - 1952 Kathleen Grace Lefroy
1953 - 1988 Vincent Gallagher, Architect & Supreme Knight of Columbanus
1999 - 2011 Niall Mellon
2011 Mrs Mellon
1849 William Keegan - Gatelodge keeper
Mr Byrne - Gardener
1874 - 1875 Catherine McGarvey - servant
1874 Mr & Mrs John Devine (gardener and laundress) - living at gatelodge
1901 Mary Anna Byrne - Cook
Jane Tevlin - Housemaid
Frances Elizabeth Plant - Nurse
1911 Julia Spencer - Cook
Mary Kelly - House Parlourmaid
CONTRIBUTOR © Catherine Brugha & Karen Poff
DATE April 2018
AREA LOCATION ROEBUCK, Mount Anville Road between Hollywood and Knockrabo.
MAP LOCATION OSI maps of 1838-1845 and 1898-1913 place it in the townland of Roebuck
and it is annotated as Mountainville Cottage and Cedar Mount respectively.
GENERAL ‘A house two stories high, consisting of parlour, drawing room, four bed
chambers and closet with kitchen and servants apartments in basement story with coach house
and stable’ (Brassington 1832).
Bought from NAMA by Knockrabo Holdings in 2016 for use by the residents of the new
Knockrabo house complex. It is expected that it will be in use as a café, gym and library.
YEAR BUILT circa 1790
VALUATION In 1872 the valuation was 60 pounds and in the 1901 census it is noted as
having 12 rooms occupied by family.
ARCHITECT Unknown. Builder - James Gray
SOURCES Thom’s directories, Brassington & Gale 1832 & Griffith's Valuation and
contemporaneous newspapers.
In 1799 the land (meadow & pastures) is leased by the Rt Hon Lord Trimlestown to James Towers, by
1812 it is the estate of Solomon Richards.
1850 - 1851 John West
1852 - 1868 Mrs West
1869 - 1875 John Hamilton Reid
1876 H C Davys Esq/Edward J Davys
1877 - 1878 Stephan Lanigan
1879 Vacant
1880 - 1888 William Douglas Dickie
1889 Mrs Dickie
1890 Vacant
1891 Joseph Smith, RUI Music
1893 - 1943 Rev Henry Kingsmill Moore
1944 - 1946 Benjamin St George Le Froy
1946 - 1952 Kathleen Grace Lefroy
1953 - 1988 Vincent Gallagher, Architect & Supreme Knight of Columbanus
1999 - 2011 Niall Mellon
2011 Mrs Mellon
1849 William Keegan - Gatelodge keeper
Mr Byrne - Gardener
1874 - 1875 Catherine McGarvey - servant
1874 Mr & Mrs John Devine (gardener and laundress) - living at gatelodge
1901 Mary Anna Byrne - Cook
Jane Tevlin - Housemaid
Frances Elizabeth Plant - Nurse
1911 Julia Spencer - Cook
Mary Kelly - House Parlourmaid
CONTRIBUTOR © Catherine Brugha & Karen Poff
DATE April 2018