De Butts of Friarsland, Roebuck
Augustus De Butts married Anna Maria Minchin
born circa 1770 1804 born circa 1783
died 28 Nov 1853 died 13 Jun 1858 (75)
14 Cambridge-square Glenealy
Augustus De Butts fourth son born 1770 to Elias Butts and Ann Cromie of Wicklow. He was an officer
in the Royal Engineers and served during the French Revolutionary Wars. He joined the Royal
Engineers on 21 Nov 1792 as a first lieutenant and became a captain on 3 Mar 1797. He served at the
sieges of Toulon, Bastia and Calor and was mentioned in the despatches of Lord Hood after the
surrender of Bastia. At Bastia, Augustus was asked by Horatio Nelson to help him examine a landing
site. He married Anna Maria Minchin in September 1804. Anna Maria was the only daughter of
Francis Minchin of Bellair, Co Wicklow. On 1 Jul 1806 Augustus was promoted to lieutenant colonel.
He became a colonel in the army on 4 Jun 1814. He commanded the Royal Engineers in Jersey and
was promoted to the rank of major general in 1821 and was appointed colonel commandant of the
Royal Engineers in 1827. The family lived mainly in London. He was made a Knight Commander of the
Royal Guelphic Order in 1837 and made a general in 1851. Augustus died on 28 Nov 1853 at
Cambridge Square. Anna Maria died 13 Jun 1858 at the home of her son in Glenealy and was buried at
1 Elizabeth Frances de Butts eldest daughter born circa 1805 married Thomas Perceval Magee
son of William Magee of Redesdale in 1827. Frances died 21 Jan 1893 at Fern Hill, Wicklow
widow of the late Archdeacon of Wicklow aged 87.
2 Augustus De Butts eldest son baptised 21 Jun 1806 at Newcastle on Tyne. He joined the army
and attained the rank of Colonel. He married Hannah Georgiana Elizabeth Inglefield on
5 Mar 1846 at St James’s Church, Paddington. He purchased Friarsland in 1858, and the family
were invited to the Viceregal lodge in 1860. He died on 14 Jan 1867 at his residence Villa
Bremontier in Arcachon, France and left 2K in personal estate in Ireland. Hannah secondly
married Antoine Alfred D’Audibert at the British embassy in Paris on 26 Jun 1868.
1 Augustus Edward de Butts born in Madras in 1851 attended the Royal Military
College at Sandhurst and was a cornet in the 17th Lancers. He was heir to William
Wharton Burdon of London and Newcastle. He was granted leave by Royal licence to
use the surname Burdon instead of De Butts to comply with a clause in Burdon’s Will.
He inherited estates valued at 150K including collieries at Team and Allerdean. He left
the service and later joined the Northumberland and Newcastle Yeomanry Cavalry. He
married Alice Gertrude Vandeleur at St Mary’s Cathedral Limerick on the 19 Aug 1875.
Alice was the daughter of Major Thomas Packenham Vandelour of Bellfield, Co
Limerick. He was a magistrate, freemason and councillor. Augustus died on
29 Dec 1908 at Hartford House and was buried at Bewick graveyard. He left personal
estate of 260K all was left to his wife with the exception of an annuity to his sister.
1 Aileen Frances Wharton Burdon eldest daughter born 8 Mar 1877 at Hartford
House, Northumberland died at 1 Lypiatt Lawn, Cheltenham on the 29 Jun 1886.
2 Norah Wharton Burdon born 1878 married Edward Basil Turnour Studd in
1909 and died in 1920.
3 Georgina Wharton Burdon born 1879 married Sir James Joicey in 1904 and died
in 1952.
4 William Wharton Burdon born 13 Oct 1889 at Hartford House, Cramlington,
Northumberland married Vida Williamson Straker in 1912.
2 Georgina Frances De Butts born in 1852 married Henry D’Oyly Torrens in 1876. Henry
was the son of Henry Whitelock Torrens and Eliza Mary Roberts. Henry was Governor
and Commander in Chief of Malta. He died on 1 Dec 1889 and the beneficiary of his
will was his wife. He was buried at Brompton Cemetery, London. Georgina secondly
married Henry Woolgar Griffith in 1893. Georgina died 2 Jun 1918. One of her
executors was Fane Vernon and she left a bequest to her goddaughter Rose Vernon.
3 Anna Maria DeButts second daughter died 30 Jan 1851 at Hyde Park.
4 Frederick De Butts born circa 1808 died 25 Dec 1834 at Windlesham, Surrey.
5 Francis John DeButts born circa 1809 died 21 Jun 1830 at Windlesham, Surrey.
6 Henry Cromie De Butts born circa 1813 died 7 Apr 1834 at Windlesham, Surrey.
7 William Minchin De Butt born circa 1816 was with the 88th Regiment. He married Eliza
Dobinson at Egham on 10 Jul 1845. William died 26 Nov 1853 at Torquay.
8 Louisa De Butts baptised 24 Oct 1817 at St Helier, Jersey. As youngest daughter she died
13 Jan 1846 at 14 Cambridge Square, Hyde Park.
9 James Whitshed de Butts third son born 17 Jul 1819 at St Helier,Jersey was with the 74th
Regiment. He attained the rank of Colonel in 1872. He married Anna Eliza Garland on
22 Aug 1848 at Loughall parish church, Armagh. Anna Eliza Garland was the youngest
daughter of Nathaniel Garland of Woodcote Grove, Surrey. James bought Tavorita,
Coolnakilly in Co Wicklow in 1855 for 1050L. They lived at Glenealy Lodge and James was
treasurer of the Rathdrum Horticultural Society. James died at Mentone in France on
16 Nov 1874. Anna Eliza died 29 Mar 1912 aged 75 at Glenealy Lodge and was buried at
Glenealy. She left 3K in personal estate.
1 Agnes Mary De Butts born 22 May 1849 at Drumilly House, Armagh was a lady
farmer and died a spinster on 23 Mar 1921 aged 71 at Glenealy and was buried at
2 Eleanor Louisa De Butts born circa 1852 in Co Wicklow. She wrote 'Retrieving the
Colours' in 1891 followed by 'Vittoria' both were published by The Religious Tract
Society. She died a spinster on 3 May 1938 aged 86 and was buried at Glenealy.
10 Arthur De Butts baptised 14 Feb 1822 at Bathwick, Somerset. Arthur was fellow of Oriel
College and Vice principal of the Collegiate Institution. He died 18 Nov 1847 as the
residence of his father.
11 John Cromie Blackwood De Butts born 1 Mar 1826 at Swainswick, Somerset attained the
rank of Major General in the Royal Engineers. He married Katherine Carterette McCrea on
17 Apr 1854 at St Martin’s Church Guernsey. Katherine was the daughter of Captain R C
© June Bow & Karen Poff – April 2022
Augustus De Butts married Anna Maria Minchin
born circa 1770 1804 born circa 1783
died 28 Nov 1853 died 13 Jun 1858 (75)
14 Cambridge-square Glenealy
Augustus De Butts fourth son born 1770 to Elias Butts and Ann Cromie of Wicklow. He was an officer
in the Royal Engineers and served during the French Revolutionary Wars. He joined the Royal
Engineers on 21 Nov 1792 as a first lieutenant and became a captain on 3 Mar 1797. He served at the
sieges of Toulon, Bastia and Calor and was mentioned in the despatches of Lord Hood after the
surrender of Bastia. At Bastia, Augustus was asked by Horatio Nelson to help him examine a landing
site. He married Anna Maria Minchin in September 1804. Anna Maria was the only daughter of
Francis Minchin of Bellair, Co Wicklow. On 1 Jul 1806 Augustus was promoted to lieutenant colonel.
He became a colonel in the army on 4 Jun 1814. He commanded the Royal Engineers in Jersey and
was promoted to the rank of major general in 1821 and was appointed colonel commandant of the
Royal Engineers in 1827. The family lived mainly in London. He was made a Knight Commander of the
Royal Guelphic Order in 1837 and made a general in 1851. Augustus died on 28 Nov 1853 at
Cambridge Square. Anna Maria died 13 Jun 1858 at the home of her son in Glenealy and was buried at
1 Elizabeth Frances de Butts eldest daughter born circa 1805 married Thomas Perceval Magee
son of William Magee of Redesdale in 1827. Frances died 21 Jan 1893 at Fern Hill, Wicklow
widow of the late Archdeacon of Wicklow aged 87.
2 Augustus De Butts eldest son baptised 21 Jun 1806 at Newcastle on Tyne. He joined the army
and attained the rank of Colonel. He married Hannah Georgiana Elizabeth Inglefield on
5 Mar 1846 at St James’s Church, Paddington. He purchased Friarsland in 1858, and the family
were invited to the Viceregal lodge in 1860. He died on 14 Jan 1867 at his residence Villa
Bremontier in Arcachon, France and left 2K in personal estate in Ireland. Hannah secondly
married Antoine Alfred D’Audibert at the British embassy in Paris on 26 Jun 1868.
1 Augustus Edward de Butts born in Madras in 1851 attended the Royal Military
College at Sandhurst and was a cornet in the 17th Lancers. He was heir to William
Wharton Burdon of London and Newcastle. He was granted leave by Royal licence to
use the surname Burdon instead of De Butts to comply with a clause in Burdon’s Will.
He inherited estates valued at 150K including collieries at Team and Allerdean. He left
the service and later joined the Northumberland and Newcastle Yeomanry Cavalry. He
married Alice Gertrude Vandeleur at St Mary’s Cathedral Limerick on the 19 Aug 1875.
Alice was the daughter of Major Thomas Packenham Vandelour of Bellfield, Co
Limerick. He was a magistrate, freemason and councillor. Augustus died on
29 Dec 1908 at Hartford House and was buried at Bewick graveyard. He left personal
estate of 260K all was left to his wife with the exception of an annuity to his sister.
1 Aileen Frances Wharton Burdon eldest daughter born 8 Mar 1877 at Hartford
House, Northumberland died at 1 Lypiatt Lawn, Cheltenham on the 29 Jun 1886.
2 Norah Wharton Burdon born 1878 married Edward Basil Turnour Studd in
1909 and died in 1920.
3 Georgina Wharton Burdon born 1879 married Sir James Joicey in 1904 and died
in 1952.
4 William Wharton Burdon born 13 Oct 1889 at Hartford House, Cramlington,
Northumberland married Vida Williamson Straker in 1912.
2 Georgina Frances De Butts born in 1852 married Henry D’Oyly Torrens in 1876. Henry
was the son of Henry Whitelock Torrens and Eliza Mary Roberts. Henry was Governor
and Commander in Chief of Malta. He died on 1 Dec 1889 and the beneficiary of his
will was his wife. He was buried at Brompton Cemetery, London. Georgina secondly
married Henry Woolgar Griffith in 1893. Georgina died 2 Jun 1918. One of her
executors was Fane Vernon and she left a bequest to her goddaughter Rose Vernon.
3 Anna Maria DeButts second daughter died 30 Jan 1851 at Hyde Park.
4 Frederick De Butts born circa 1808 died 25 Dec 1834 at Windlesham, Surrey.
5 Francis John DeButts born circa 1809 died 21 Jun 1830 at Windlesham, Surrey.
6 Henry Cromie De Butts born circa 1813 died 7 Apr 1834 at Windlesham, Surrey.
7 William Minchin De Butt born circa 1816 was with the 88th Regiment. He married Eliza
Dobinson at Egham on 10 Jul 1845. William died 26 Nov 1853 at Torquay.
8 Louisa De Butts baptised 24 Oct 1817 at St Helier, Jersey. As youngest daughter she died
13 Jan 1846 at 14 Cambridge Square, Hyde Park.
9 James Whitshed de Butts third son born 17 Jul 1819 at St Helier,Jersey was with the 74th
Regiment. He attained the rank of Colonel in 1872. He married Anna Eliza Garland on
22 Aug 1848 at Loughall parish church, Armagh. Anna Eliza Garland was the youngest
daughter of Nathaniel Garland of Woodcote Grove, Surrey. James bought Tavorita,
Coolnakilly in Co Wicklow in 1855 for 1050L. They lived at Glenealy Lodge and James was
treasurer of the Rathdrum Horticultural Society. James died at Mentone in France on
16 Nov 1874. Anna Eliza died 29 Mar 1912 aged 75 at Glenealy Lodge and was buried at
Glenealy. She left 3K in personal estate.
1 Agnes Mary De Butts born 22 May 1849 at Drumilly House, Armagh was a lady
farmer and died a spinster on 23 Mar 1921 aged 71 at Glenealy and was buried at
2 Eleanor Louisa De Butts born circa 1852 in Co Wicklow. She wrote 'Retrieving the
Colours' in 1891 followed by 'Vittoria' both were published by The Religious Tract
Society. She died a spinster on 3 May 1938 aged 86 and was buried at Glenealy.
10 Arthur De Butts baptised 14 Feb 1822 at Bathwick, Somerset. Arthur was fellow of Oriel
College and Vice principal of the Collegiate Institution. He died 18 Nov 1847 as the
residence of his father.
11 John Cromie Blackwood De Butts born 1 Mar 1826 at Swainswick, Somerset attained the
rank of Major General in the Royal Engineers. He married Katherine Carterette McCrea on
17 Apr 1854 at St Martin’s Church Guernsey. Katherine was the daughter of Captain R C
© June Bow & Karen Poff – April 2022