How to order an English or Welsh birth, marriage or death certificate
By Editor, 12 January 2016 - 12:30pm
Civil registration of births, marriages and deaths started in 1837 in England and Wales. They aren't online so you need to order certificates via the General Record Office (GRO) for £9.25 each. Birth, marriage and death certificates are an essential part of family history and anyone exploring their family's past will reach a point where they need to order one. Civil registration for England and Wales started in 1837 and you can order copies of certificates via the General Record Office (GRO) by following our six simple steps.
By Editor, 12 January 2016 - 12:30pm
Civil registration of births, marriages and deaths started in 1837 in England and Wales. They aren't online so you need to order certificates via the General Record Office (GRO) for £9.25 each. Birth, marriage and death certificates are an essential part of family history and anyone exploring their family's past will reach a point where they need to order one. Civil registration for England and Wales started in 1837 and you can order copies of certificates via the General Record Office (GRO) by following our six simple steps.