Sunday evening, June 26
6pm: Meet and Greet. Welcome Reception at University College Cork. Opening ACE Director -Dr Séamus ÓTuama
Lives Lost: the Forgotten Victims of the 1916 Rising. Eileen Ó Dúill CG
Music by Uilleann Ceoil
Monday, June 27 Morning
8.30: Registration
9.00 - 10.15: Introduction to Irish Genealogy: Where Do I Start? Eileen M. Ó Dúill, CG
10.15 - 10.30 Break - Morning Break
10.30 – 11.45: Researching in Ireland: Planning is the Key To Success. Eileen M. Ó Dúill, CG
12.00- 1.00: Births, Marriages & Deaths - Irish Civil Registration - Eileen M. Ó Dúill, CG
1.00 – 1.45: Lunch
Fieldtrip to Youghal A.M. Coghlan
2.00 – Bus departure to Youghal from Western Gateway Building UCC
Afternoon Field trip: Exploring Youghal – Archives & Churches A.M. Coghlan
6.00 – 8.00 Sean O'Duill 'Matchmakers & Marriage Customs in 19th century Ireland & Death & Burial Customs
Evening Dining at the Walter Ralegh Hotel Youghal.
Or Genealogy Lectures at UCC
2.00 - 3.00 Clans of Ireland - Lorna Moloney
3.15 - 4.15 What genealogical information can be gleaned from tax lists? Aiden Feerick
4.15- 5.15 The Irish and America; motivation, emigration and assimilation’- Dr Michael Martin
5.15- 6.30 From rags to riches and from riches to rags: searching for your aristocratic ancestors – Dr Dagmar O' Riain-Raedel
Tuesday June 28
9.00-10.00: "Irish Placenames" - Dr. Paul MacCotter
10.00-10.45: Mary Beglan - 'In depth exploration of the National Archives'
Break – Morning Break
11.00 - 12.00: English State Papers as a Genealogical Source - Dr Joe Mannion
12.00 – 1.00 How to find our ancestors using Online Maps - Dr Paddy Waldron
1.00 – 2.00: Lunch or Lunchtime workshop - Christine Deakin - How to preserve your documents and images for family history research
2.00 – 2.45: Irish Rebels - Fiona Fitzsimons
3.00 – 3.45: Tracing who fought in the Irish Revolution 1913 to 1923 - Fiona Fitzsimons
Afternoon Break 2.45-3.00
4.00-5.00: Prosecuting dissent: Police and army records for Irish genealogy 1867 to 1923. Brian Donovan
5.00:6.00 Using Parish Registers Online - Dr Paddy Waldron
6.00-7.00 Kyle J. Betit - How to use Ancestry.com for immigrant research
8.00 - Optional evening entertainment of Irish Culture (Music, Food & textiles) and Dancing, - Aiden Feerick with music by Uilleann Ceol
Wednesday June 29
9.00-10.00: Kyle J. Betit Exploring your Irish Ancestry through US Records
10.00-10.45: Aiden Feerick - The ancestral connections of the 7 signatories of The Proclamation
Break – Morning Break
11.00 – 12.00: Jan Gow - Genealogy Hardware and software
12.00-1.00 Steven Smyrl – Heir Hunting
1.30 - Cobh Field trip
Wonderful fieldtrip to Spike Island, Cobh & Fota House
Christy Keating - Cobh tour at Cobh Heritage Centre
Dr Michael Martin: Spike Island - Spike Island, saints, felons and famine’
* Special lecture with Regina Sexton Culinary Historian UCC at Fota House
"From Escoffier to Bread and Spread: diet, food and cookery in early 20th century Ireland"
Or Lectures and computer workshops at UCC
Dr Maurice Gleeson - Adding DNA to your genealogy toolkit: the 3 tests & how to get them to work for you.
Dr Mary O'Keeffe - TBA
Thursday June 30
9.00 – 10.00: Sean J. Murphy 'Were our ancestors liars? Differences between the 1901 and 1911 census.
10.15 – 11.00 Dr James G. Ryan - Estate Records
11.00 – 11.15: Break
11.15 –12.00: Irish Newspapers as a source for Genealogical research. Nicola Morris M.A.P.G.I.
12.00- 12.45 : Impact of 1916. Nicola Morris M.A.P.G.I.
12.45 – 2.00: Lunch
2.00-2.45 "Cork - The Real Capital" Jewish Presence - What do you think?-- Stuart Rosenblatt P.C. FGSI.
2.45 -4.00: Where to go once the record trail dries up? Surname and 'clan' history and the y-chromosome. Dr. Paul MacCotter
4.00-4.30: Break
4.30 – 5.45: Surname Workshop Sean Murphy 'Irish Surnames'
6.00-7.00: Rosaleen Underwood: 'The Do's and Don't of family trees
7.00: Optional evening walking tour of Cork Inner City 'The Venice of Ireland' with Dr David Butler, featuring stops at St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Elizabeth Fort, City Defenses, Masonic Hall and Huguenot Quarter, followed by group evening meal'.
Friday July 19.00 – 10.15: Church Records & Irish Genealogy. Dr Paul MacCotter
10.15-11.00: “James Green Douglas, Quaker and Sinn Fein Party Member” Genealogy and social networks - Noel Jenkins.
10.45- 11.00: Morning Break
11.00 – 12.15: 'Pre-1840 resources for Irish Genealogy Dr David Butler
12.15-1.00: John Goodman "Tracing Irish soldiers What's available and what we can learn
1.00 -2.00: Lunch
2.00 – 2.45 Hilary McDonagh ‘Sons & Children - Genealogy of Irish Childhood
2.45-3.30 Maeve Mullin ‘Valuation office – A Colourful Gem
3.30 -4.00 David Ryan: 'Using genealogy to interpret memorials & monuments OR
Tour of Honan's Chapel at UCC with James Cronin.
Afternoon Break
4.00 : Certificate Ceremony & Lecture closing – Kenneth Nicholls,
Evening field trip Dr Griffin Murray, Dr Jane Lyons and John Nangle
This evening fieldtrip to the beautiful Bride Valley will see participants visit two of the most significant historic locations in county Cork. We will first visit Béal na Bláth the location where Michael Collins was killed in an ambush during the Civil War in 1922. Following that we will visit the romantic ruins of Kilcrea Friary, a fifteenth-century Franciscan friary built under the patronage of the McCarthys. We will also look at some of the important burial monuments there, including the tomb of Art O'Leary, the famous eighteenth-century outlaw. We will then return to Cork for dinner at 8pm.
Celebratory Dinner - Ancestral Connections 2016 in honour of Kenneth Nicholls at 8.00p.m. Venue TBA
Saturday July 2 - Cork Archaeological and Historical Society 1916 Conference
Additional Expert sessions will be available to book with leading genealogists during the school at UCC to faciliate archival trips and there will be a number of breakout workshops during the week with leading genealogists. These will be available to book once your booking of the school is completed.
Sunday July 3 – Departure
To book contact:
Summer School Co-Ordinator: Lorna Moloney, [email protected]
T: 085-8721184 / 021-4904700
Sunday evening, June 26
6pm: Meet and Greet. Welcome Reception at University College Cork. Opening ACE Director -Dr Séamus ÓTuama
Lives Lost: the Forgotten Victims of the 1916 Rising. Eileen Ó Dúill CG
Music by Uilleann Ceoil
Monday, June 27 Morning
8.30: Registration
9.00 - 10.15: Introduction to Irish Genealogy: Where Do I Start? Eileen M. Ó Dúill, CG
10.15 - 10.30 Break - Morning Break
10.30 – 11.45: Researching in Ireland: Planning is the Key To Success. Eileen M. Ó Dúill, CG
12.00- 1.00: Births, Marriages & Deaths - Irish Civil Registration - Eileen M. Ó Dúill, CG
1.00 – 1.45: Lunch
Fieldtrip to Youghal A.M. Coghlan
2.00 – Bus departure to Youghal from Western Gateway Building UCC
Afternoon Field trip: Exploring Youghal – Archives & Churches A.M. Coghlan
6.00 – 8.00 Sean O'Duill 'Matchmakers & Marriage Customs in 19th century Ireland & Death & Burial Customs
Evening Dining at the Walter Ralegh Hotel Youghal.
Or Genealogy Lectures at UCC
2.00 - 3.00 Clans of Ireland - Lorna Moloney
3.15 - 4.15 What genealogical information can be gleaned from tax lists? Aiden Feerick
4.15- 5.15 The Irish and America; motivation, emigration and assimilation’- Dr Michael Martin
5.15- 6.30 From rags to riches and from riches to rags: searching for your aristocratic ancestors – Dr Dagmar O' Riain-Raedel
Tuesday June 28
9.00-10.00: "Irish Placenames" - Dr. Paul MacCotter
10.00-10.45: Mary Beglan - 'In depth exploration of the National Archives'
Break – Morning Break
11.00 - 12.00: English State Papers as a Genealogical Source - Dr Joe Mannion
12.00 – 1.00 How to find our ancestors using Online Maps - Dr Paddy Waldron
1.00 – 2.00: Lunch or Lunchtime workshop - Christine Deakin - How to preserve your documents and images for family history research
2.00 – 2.45: Irish Rebels - Fiona Fitzsimons
3.00 – 3.45: Tracing who fought in the Irish Revolution 1913 to 1923 - Fiona Fitzsimons
Afternoon Break 2.45-3.00
4.00-5.00: Prosecuting dissent: Police and army records for Irish genealogy 1867 to 1923. Brian Donovan
5.00:6.00 Using Parish Registers Online - Dr Paddy Waldron
6.00-7.00 Kyle J. Betit - How to use Ancestry.com for immigrant research
8.00 - Optional evening entertainment of Irish Culture (Music, Food & textiles) and Dancing, - Aiden Feerick with music by Uilleann Ceol
Wednesday June 29
9.00-10.00: Kyle J. Betit Exploring your Irish Ancestry through US Records
10.00-10.45: Aiden Feerick - The ancestral connections of the 7 signatories of The Proclamation
Break – Morning Break
11.00 – 12.00: Jan Gow - Genealogy Hardware and software
12.00-1.00 Steven Smyrl – Heir Hunting
1.30 - Cobh Field trip
Wonderful fieldtrip to Spike Island, Cobh & Fota House
Christy Keating - Cobh tour at Cobh Heritage Centre
Dr Michael Martin: Spike Island - Spike Island, saints, felons and famine’
* Special lecture with Regina Sexton Culinary Historian UCC at Fota House
"From Escoffier to Bread and Spread: diet, food and cookery in early 20th century Ireland"
Or Lectures and computer workshops at UCC
Dr Maurice Gleeson - Adding DNA to your genealogy toolkit: the 3 tests & how to get them to work for you.
Dr Mary O'Keeffe - TBA
Thursday June 30
9.00 – 10.00: Sean J. Murphy 'Were our ancestors liars? Differences between the 1901 and 1911 census.
10.15 – 11.00 Dr James G. Ryan - Estate Records
11.00 – 11.15: Break
11.15 –12.00: Irish Newspapers as a source for Genealogical research. Nicola Morris M.A.P.G.I.
12.00- 12.45 : Impact of 1916. Nicola Morris M.A.P.G.I.
12.45 – 2.00: Lunch
2.00-2.45 "Cork - The Real Capital" Jewish Presence - What do you think?-- Stuart Rosenblatt P.C. FGSI.
2.45 -4.00: Where to go once the record trail dries up? Surname and 'clan' history and the y-chromosome. Dr. Paul MacCotter
4.00-4.30: Break
4.30 – 5.45: Surname Workshop Sean Murphy 'Irish Surnames'
6.00-7.00: Rosaleen Underwood: 'The Do's and Don't of family trees
7.00: Optional evening walking tour of Cork Inner City 'The Venice of Ireland' with Dr David Butler, featuring stops at St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Elizabeth Fort, City Defenses, Masonic Hall and Huguenot Quarter, followed by group evening meal'.
Friday July 19.00 – 10.15: Church Records & Irish Genealogy. Dr Paul MacCotter
10.15-11.00: “James Green Douglas, Quaker and Sinn Fein Party Member” Genealogy and social networks - Noel Jenkins.
10.45- 11.00: Morning Break
11.00 – 12.15: 'Pre-1840 resources for Irish Genealogy Dr David Butler
12.15-1.00: John Goodman "Tracing Irish soldiers What's available and what we can learn
1.00 -2.00: Lunch
2.00 – 2.45 Hilary McDonagh ‘Sons & Children - Genealogy of Irish Childhood
2.45-3.30 Maeve Mullin ‘Valuation office – A Colourful Gem
3.30 -4.00 David Ryan: 'Using genealogy to interpret memorials & monuments OR
Tour of Honan's Chapel at UCC with James Cronin.
Afternoon Break
4.00 : Certificate Ceremony & Lecture closing – Kenneth Nicholls,
Evening field trip Dr Griffin Murray, Dr Jane Lyons and John Nangle
This evening fieldtrip to the beautiful Bride Valley will see participants visit two of the most significant historic locations in county Cork. We will first visit Béal na Bláth the location where Michael Collins was killed in an ambush during the Civil War in 1922. Following that we will visit the romantic ruins of Kilcrea Friary, a fifteenth-century Franciscan friary built under the patronage of the McCarthys. We will also look at some of the important burial monuments there, including the tomb of Art O'Leary, the famous eighteenth-century outlaw. We will then return to Cork for dinner at 8pm.
Celebratory Dinner - Ancestral Connections 2016 in honour of Kenneth Nicholls at 8.00p.m. Venue TBA
Saturday July 2 - Cork Archaeological and Historical Society 1916 Conference
Additional Expert sessions will be available to book with leading genealogists during the school at UCC to faciliate archival trips and there will be a number of breakout workshops during the week with leading genealogists. These will be available to book once your booking of the school is completed.
Sunday July 3 – Departure
To book contact:
Summer School Co-Ordinator: Lorna Moloney, [email protected]
T: 085-8721184 / 021-4904700