Five Irish Historic Towns Atlases of monastic origin now available freely online to read and download.
Following from the success of our pilot Irish Historic Towns Atlas (IHTA) Kilkenny online, IHTA atlases nos 1 to 25 will be made available freely online over the coming months. The cover, general abbreviations, select bibliography, essay, topographical information, maps 1, 2 and 3 as well as a growth map, will be freely available and word searchable to read online or to download.
As the nature of the project is comparative urban studies, the first batch to be released are the towns of monastic origins: IHTA no. 1 Kildare by J.H. Andrews, IHTA no. 4 Kells by Anngret Simms, IHTA no. 8 Downpatrick by R.H. Buchanan and Anthony Wilson, IHTA no. 18 Armagh by Catherine McCullough and W.H. Crawford and IHTA no. 20 Tuam by J.A. Claffey. It also comes with an excerpt on Irish towns of monastic origin from Reading the maps: a guide to the Irish Historic Towns Atlas by Jacinta Prunty and H.B. Clarke (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2011).
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Seminar and Award Honours Former Church of Ireland Librarian and Archivist, Dr Ray Refaussé
The fact that around 90 people turned up on a wet Saturday morning for a special event to honour the career of Dr Raymond (Ray) Refaussé (who retired from the RCB Library earlier this year) spoke volumes about the high esteem in which he is held not only within Church of Ireland circles but the wider archival profession in Ireland.
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Following from the success of our pilot Irish Historic Towns Atlas (IHTA) Kilkenny online, IHTA atlases nos 1 to 25 will be made available freely online over the coming months. The cover, general abbreviations, select bibliography, essay, topographical information, maps 1, 2 and 3 as well as a growth map, will be freely available and word searchable to read online or to download.
As the nature of the project is comparative urban studies, the first batch to be released are the towns of monastic origins: IHTA no. 1 Kildare by J.H. Andrews, IHTA no. 4 Kells by Anngret Simms, IHTA no. 8 Downpatrick by R.H. Buchanan and Anthony Wilson, IHTA no. 18 Armagh by Catherine McCullough and W.H. Crawford and IHTA no. 20 Tuam by J.A. Claffey. It also comes with an excerpt on Irish towns of monastic origin from Reading the maps: a guide to the Irish Historic Towns Atlas by Jacinta Prunty and H.B. Clarke (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2011).
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Seminar and Award Honours Former Church of Ireland Librarian and Archivist, Dr Ray Refaussé
The fact that around 90 people turned up on a wet Saturday morning for a special event to honour the career of Dr Raymond (Ray) Refaussé (who retired from the RCB Library earlier this year) spoke volumes about the high esteem in which he is held not only within Church of Ireland circles but the wider archival profession in Ireland.
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