The Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys TD, has today (Monday) said that her Department is focusing on a range of sectors and initiatives to help boost job creation as part of the Action Plan for Jobs 2016, including investment in major cultural infrastructure projects; expanding the film and TV sector; supporting employment in the Gaeltacht; and the development of a range of heritage tourism initiatives.
“Investing in our culture, language and heritage is not just good for society, is it good for the economy. My Department will make a significant contribution to job creation in the year ahead by boosting tourism, generating employment in the construction and heritage sectors, supporting artists and arts organisations and investing in our audio visual sector.”
We can look forward to:
APJ 2016
“Investing in our culture, language and heritage is not just good for society, is it good for the economy. My Department will make a significant contribution to job creation in the year ahead by boosting tourism, generating employment in the construction and heritage sectors, supporting artists and arts organisations and investing in our audio visual sector.”
We can look forward to:
- Cultural infrastructure projects at the National Archives, the National Gallery and the National Library
- Enhancing genealogy tourism through ongoing development of cultural digitisation initiatives
- The roll out of the Built Heritage Investment Scheme to support local heritage projects
APJ 2016