Scroope of Hollywood House, Goatstown
Henry Scroope baptised 1798 son of Simon Thomas Scroope and his wife Catherine Dorothy
Meynell. He was originally from Danby Hall, Danby on Yore in Yorkshire (Thornton Steward,
near Bedale, in Wensleydale), but moved to Roscrea in 1830 to act as agent to the Damer
family estates in Ireland. His brother Simon was the heir to Danby Hall and was a claimant
to the dormant peerage. His first wife is unknown.
1 Henry Scroope eldest son born circa 1845 in Tipperary. Henry was resident at
Wellington Road and married Catherine Hackett on 13 Sep 1870 in Cork. Kate was the
elder daughter of Sir William B Hackett, a merchant of Lota More. Henry was a
manager with National Bank living at Knox Street, Ballina in 1901. Kate died on
14 Oct 1908 aged 62 at Ballina, her funeral mass was held in the cathedral in Ballina
and she was buried at the Abby graveyard. Henry retired from the bank in 1914 and
moved to Ranelagh in Dublin. He was a member of the Dublin Cemeteries Committee,
which owned Glasnevin Cemetery. Henry died 22 Oct 1922 at Ranelagh.
1 Florence Margaret Mary Scroope eldest daughter born 12 Jul 1871 at Lota Mase,
Cork. She was a civilian passenger, on board RMS Leinster, which was torpedoed
in the Irish enroute from Kingstown to Holyhead, Anglesey, Wales, on the
morning of 10 October 1918. Simon Frederick Scroope arranged the burial of
his sister Florence. He allowed the young child aged three whose body was to
be buried with Florence. John Foley, an official of the office of the then Lord
Mayor of Dublin, Laurence O'Neill, arranged the little girl's funeral.
2 Henry William P Scroope eldest son born 29 Jun 1872 at Lota Mase, Cork
attended Stonyhurst and graduated Royal University of London. He joined
The Indian Civil Service. He married Kathleen Mary, daughter of the late G J
Payton, of Edgbaston, and of Mrs Payton, The Grange, Little Sutton, Sutton
Coldfield in 1912 in Aston, Warwickshire. Henry W P Scroope died in Worthing
in 1953.
3 Blanche Eleanor Scroope born 29 Sep 1873 born at West End, Mallow, Co
Cork married Robert Morrogh, a widower and land agent on 21 Apr 1903 at
the Catholic University Church on Stephen’s Green.
4 William Gervase Noel Scroope born 4 Dec 1874 at West End, Mallow, Cork
died from scalding on 23 May 1878 at Castlerea having fallen into a tub of
5 Simon Frederick Scroope born 10 Jan 1876 at Bank House, Gort, Co Galway.
He played football and law tennis winning the Dublin singles championship
at Carrickmines in 1911. He worked for the National Bank. He married Moira
Fottrell at St Mary’s Sandymount on 20 Jan 1915 and they lived initially at
Brendan Road, Donnybrook and later at 4 Nutley Lane, Stillorgan Road. Moira
was the daughter of John Fottrell, a solicitor. Simon was joint manager of the
College Green (Dublin) office of the National Bank in 1939. Simon died
20 Dec 1958 at 80 Park Avenue, Sydney Parade and was buried at Glasnevin.
1 Brenda Moira Scroope only daughter 6 Aug 1916 married Arthur Gerard
Quirke on 14 Oct 1942 at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Donnybrook
and they lived at Albert Lodge Donnybrook.
6 Charles Strickland Scroope born 17 July 1877, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon
died 7 Jun 1878.
7 Edward Geoffrey (Geoffrey) Scroope, born 21 Mar 1879 at Kilkeevan, Co
Roscommon, graduated Trinity. He was a Medical Doctor working at the
Dundrum Asylum. He died at Knox Street, Ballina, on 17 May 1912 and was
buried with his mother at Ballina.
8 Arthur Edgar Scroope, born 24 Jan 1881 at Kilkeevan, Castlerea graduated
from Dublin University and joined the Indian Civil service. He returned to
Ireland for a visit in 1908 and left just one week before his mother died
suddenly. A retired High Court Judge, he was living at Merriefield King's
Drive, Eastbourne in 1939 with his wife Judith. Arthur died in 1954.
9 Gerard Cuthbert Scroope, born 15 Dec 1882 at Kilkeevan, Co Roscommon.
10 Gervase William Mary Scroope born circa 27 April 1884 at Castlerea
graduated Trinity College as a surgeon in 1911. He was a house doctor in
the Royal City of Dublin Hospital, Baggot Street before joining the staff of
the Dundrum Asylum. He won the doubles in the Irish Lawn tennis
Championship of 1921. He married Agnes McDermott on 31 Aug 1927 at
St John the Baptist Church. Agnes was the daughter of Joseph McDermott
of Belfort on Newtownpark Avenue. He became Governor of the Dundrum
Criminal Lunatic Asylum in 1939 and retired in 1949. They lived at Hollywood
House at Goatstown from 1950 to 1953 where Gervase died on 20 Sep 1953.
His funeral Mass was at Holy Cross Church Dundrum and he was buried at
11 Charles Frederick Scroope born circa 1886 Co Roscommon joined the 24
Punjab Indian Army in 1909 and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1938.
2 Edward Scroope born circa 1848 in Co Tipperary married Anne Jane Reilly on
20 Oct 1882. Edward was manager of the National Bank in Templemore. They
had only one child who died.
1 Edward John Scroope born 27 Dec 1882 at Sea Road, Galway died aged 3
Henry secondly married Mary Darby on 24 Nov 1853 at Moneygall, Kings County and they
had at least nine more children. Henry and Mary Scroope settled at of Ballystanley, Kings
County. He was appointed valuator of the Roscrea Union in 1839. Henry was a JP in 1870
and died on the 25 Oct 1873 aged 75 at Brooklawn, Rathnavogue and was buried at the Old
Franciscan Abbey in Roscrea. Mary died in 19 Mar 1898 aged 79 at Abbey Street, Roscrea.
3 Charles Scroope born circa 1854 was a solicitor of Roscrea married Mary Hackett
9 Apr 1885 and had two children.
1 Margaret Mary born 22 Jun 1889 at Kilkeevan, Co Roscommon.
2 Frances Gertrude Scroope born 29 Jun 1894 at Kilkeevan, Co Roscommon.
4 Frederick Scroope, fourth son born circa 1855 was manager of the National Bank
in Belfast. He married Esther Potts, widow of Francis Lokier Burgess of River Irwin,
Western Australia on 10 Apr 1899. Fred retired in 1916 and died 31 Aug 1917 at
Bangor. There was no issue.
5 Anthony Scroope born circa 1859 married Anastasia Whitty on 21 Jul 1888 at
Waterford. He was a detective in the RIC. They had 11 children of whom nine
survived in 1911.
1 Anthony Stephen Scroope born 26 Dec 1896 at Waterford.
6 Simon Scroope born circa 1860 was a student at Sedgly Park, one of the oldest
Catholic schools in England, when it was transferred to St. Wilfrid's, Cotton Hall.
He was an officer with the Mounted Police in Australia.
7 John Scroope, a business man in Australia in 1939.
8 Rev Mother Florence entered the Society of the Sacred Heart at Roehampton
and went to Australia with the second group of nine nuns who founded Rose Bay
Convent. She also took part in the foundation of Burke Road, Melbourne. She
died 23 Oct 1939 in Australia.
9 Rev Mother Frances Scroope died at the Sacred Heart Convent Roehampton.
10 Rev Mother Mary Scroope followed her sister to Australia, and after having been
Mistress General at Rose Bay for several years, went to Japan when Rev Mother
Salmon opened a house in Tokyo in 1907. She died at the Sacred Heart Convent
Roehampton, England.
11 Benjamin Scroope born circa 1862 died at Roscrea 29 Jul 1914 his brother Edward
the informant who he lived with.
© June Bow & Karen Poff - April 2023
Henry Scroope baptised 1798 son of Simon Thomas Scroope and his wife Catherine Dorothy
Meynell. He was originally from Danby Hall, Danby on Yore in Yorkshire (Thornton Steward,
near Bedale, in Wensleydale), but moved to Roscrea in 1830 to act as agent to the Damer
family estates in Ireland. His brother Simon was the heir to Danby Hall and was a claimant
to the dormant peerage. His first wife is unknown.
1 Henry Scroope eldest son born circa 1845 in Tipperary. Henry was resident at
Wellington Road and married Catherine Hackett on 13 Sep 1870 in Cork. Kate was the
elder daughter of Sir William B Hackett, a merchant of Lota More. Henry was a
manager with National Bank living at Knox Street, Ballina in 1901. Kate died on
14 Oct 1908 aged 62 at Ballina, her funeral mass was held in the cathedral in Ballina
and she was buried at the Abby graveyard. Henry retired from the bank in 1914 and
moved to Ranelagh in Dublin. He was a member of the Dublin Cemeteries Committee,
which owned Glasnevin Cemetery. Henry died 22 Oct 1922 at Ranelagh.
1 Florence Margaret Mary Scroope eldest daughter born 12 Jul 1871 at Lota Mase,
Cork. She was a civilian passenger, on board RMS Leinster, which was torpedoed
in the Irish enroute from Kingstown to Holyhead, Anglesey, Wales, on the
morning of 10 October 1918. Simon Frederick Scroope arranged the burial of
his sister Florence. He allowed the young child aged three whose body was to
be buried with Florence. John Foley, an official of the office of the then Lord
Mayor of Dublin, Laurence O'Neill, arranged the little girl's funeral.
2 Henry William P Scroope eldest son born 29 Jun 1872 at Lota Mase, Cork
attended Stonyhurst and graduated Royal University of London. He joined
The Indian Civil Service. He married Kathleen Mary, daughter of the late G J
Payton, of Edgbaston, and of Mrs Payton, The Grange, Little Sutton, Sutton
Coldfield in 1912 in Aston, Warwickshire. Henry W P Scroope died in Worthing
in 1953.
3 Blanche Eleanor Scroope born 29 Sep 1873 born at West End, Mallow, Co
Cork married Robert Morrogh, a widower and land agent on 21 Apr 1903 at
the Catholic University Church on Stephen’s Green.
4 William Gervase Noel Scroope born 4 Dec 1874 at West End, Mallow, Cork
died from scalding on 23 May 1878 at Castlerea having fallen into a tub of
5 Simon Frederick Scroope born 10 Jan 1876 at Bank House, Gort, Co Galway.
He played football and law tennis winning the Dublin singles championship
at Carrickmines in 1911. He worked for the National Bank. He married Moira
Fottrell at St Mary’s Sandymount on 20 Jan 1915 and they lived initially at
Brendan Road, Donnybrook and later at 4 Nutley Lane, Stillorgan Road. Moira
was the daughter of John Fottrell, a solicitor. Simon was joint manager of the
College Green (Dublin) office of the National Bank in 1939. Simon died
20 Dec 1958 at 80 Park Avenue, Sydney Parade and was buried at Glasnevin.
1 Brenda Moira Scroope only daughter 6 Aug 1916 married Arthur Gerard
Quirke on 14 Oct 1942 at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Donnybrook
and they lived at Albert Lodge Donnybrook.
6 Charles Strickland Scroope born 17 July 1877, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon
died 7 Jun 1878.
7 Edward Geoffrey (Geoffrey) Scroope, born 21 Mar 1879 at Kilkeevan, Co
Roscommon, graduated Trinity. He was a Medical Doctor working at the
Dundrum Asylum. He died at Knox Street, Ballina, on 17 May 1912 and was
buried with his mother at Ballina.
8 Arthur Edgar Scroope, born 24 Jan 1881 at Kilkeevan, Castlerea graduated
from Dublin University and joined the Indian Civil service. He returned to
Ireland for a visit in 1908 and left just one week before his mother died
suddenly. A retired High Court Judge, he was living at Merriefield King's
Drive, Eastbourne in 1939 with his wife Judith. Arthur died in 1954.
9 Gerard Cuthbert Scroope, born 15 Dec 1882 at Kilkeevan, Co Roscommon.
10 Gervase William Mary Scroope born circa 27 April 1884 at Castlerea
graduated Trinity College as a surgeon in 1911. He was a house doctor in
the Royal City of Dublin Hospital, Baggot Street before joining the staff of
the Dundrum Asylum. He won the doubles in the Irish Lawn tennis
Championship of 1921. He married Agnes McDermott on 31 Aug 1927 at
St John the Baptist Church. Agnes was the daughter of Joseph McDermott
of Belfort on Newtownpark Avenue. He became Governor of the Dundrum
Criminal Lunatic Asylum in 1939 and retired in 1949. They lived at Hollywood
House at Goatstown from 1950 to 1953 where Gervase died on 20 Sep 1953.
His funeral Mass was at Holy Cross Church Dundrum and he was buried at
11 Charles Frederick Scroope born circa 1886 Co Roscommon joined the 24
Punjab Indian Army in 1909 and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1938.
2 Edward Scroope born circa 1848 in Co Tipperary married Anne Jane Reilly on
20 Oct 1882. Edward was manager of the National Bank in Templemore. They
had only one child who died.
1 Edward John Scroope born 27 Dec 1882 at Sea Road, Galway died aged 3
Henry secondly married Mary Darby on 24 Nov 1853 at Moneygall, Kings County and they
had at least nine more children. Henry and Mary Scroope settled at of Ballystanley, Kings
County. He was appointed valuator of the Roscrea Union in 1839. Henry was a JP in 1870
and died on the 25 Oct 1873 aged 75 at Brooklawn, Rathnavogue and was buried at the Old
Franciscan Abbey in Roscrea. Mary died in 19 Mar 1898 aged 79 at Abbey Street, Roscrea.
3 Charles Scroope born circa 1854 was a solicitor of Roscrea married Mary Hackett
9 Apr 1885 and had two children.
1 Margaret Mary born 22 Jun 1889 at Kilkeevan, Co Roscommon.
2 Frances Gertrude Scroope born 29 Jun 1894 at Kilkeevan, Co Roscommon.
4 Frederick Scroope, fourth son born circa 1855 was manager of the National Bank
in Belfast. He married Esther Potts, widow of Francis Lokier Burgess of River Irwin,
Western Australia on 10 Apr 1899. Fred retired in 1916 and died 31 Aug 1917 at
Bangor. There was no issue.
5 Anthony Scroope born circa 1859 married Anastasia Whitty on 21 Jul 1888 at
Waterford. He was a detective in the RIC. They had 11 children of whom nine
survived in 1911.
1 Anthony Stephen Scroope born 26 Dec 1896 at Waterford.
6 Simon Scroope born circa 1860 was a student at Sedgly Park, one of the oldest
Catholic schools in England, when it was transferred to St. Wilfrid's, Cotton Hall.
He was an officer with the Mounted Police in Australia.
7 John Scroope, a business man in Australia in 1939.
8 Rev Mother Florence entered the Society of the Sacred Heart at Roehampton
and went to Australia with the second group of nine nuns who founded Rose Bay
Convent. She also took part in the foundation of Burke Road, Melbourne. She
died 23 Oct 1939 in Australia.
9 Rev Mother Frances Scroope died at the Sacred Heart Convent Roehampton.
10 Rev Mother Mary Scroope followed her sister to Australia, and after having been
Mistress General at Rose Bay for several years, went to Japan when Rev Mother
Salmon opened a house in Tokyo in 1907. She died at the Sacred Heart Convent
Roehampton, England.
11 Benjamin Scroope born circa 1862 died at Roscrea 29 Jul 1914 his brother Edward
the informant who he lived with.
© June Bow & Karen Poff - April 2023