Elvery family of Rothbury, Foxrock (Galloping Green)
J W Elvery & Co, Waterproofers, India Rubber, Gutta percha and airproof manufacturers, surgical
hosiers and mechanical rubber dealers of Elephant House, 46 Lower Sackville St and 18 Nassau St.
William Elvery of 9 Leinster Road West son of John West Elvery a Merchant and Catherine Jane Fuller
married Mary Theresa Moss daughter of William Moss MD of 23 Kenilworth Square, Rathgar in 1881.
William Elvery married 10.08.1881 Mary Theresa Moss
born circa 1856 at St Peter’s Church born circa 1857
died 12.06.1934 died 31.03.1925
Bunny Creek Salisbury
Barton-on-Sea Zimbabwe
1 Edna Moss Elvery eldest daughter born 10.05.1882 at 2 Fortfield Terrace, Upper Rathmines
married James Stevenson Baiss only son of James Baiss of London on 10.06.1911 at Christ
Church Cathedral, Victoria, British Columbia.
2 Beatrice Moss Elvery born 13.04.1883 at 2 Fortfield Terrace. At the age of 13 in 1896 she
went to the Metropolitan School of Art in Dublin where she met William Orpen. She studied
sculpture under John Hughes. Beatrice was the model for William Orpen’s paintings of 'Bridgit'
in 1900 and 'The Colleen' in 1908. William and Beatrice remained close friends. She worked at An
Túr Gloine for 6 years designing windows for St Stephen’s Church, St Nicholas’ Church and a war
memorial for Carrickmines Church. Her window for a convent in Gort, Co Galway, led to a
negative critical review of Sarah Purser’s studio by W B Yeats.
Beatrice married Charles Henry Gordon Campbell son of James Henry Mussen Campbell KC on
01.08.1912 at Kill Parish Church. They went to live at Clonard in Terenure and their home was burnt
down by anti-treaty forces. Gordon inherited the title of Lord Glenavy when his father died in
1931 with Beatrice becoming Lady Glenavy. The family moved to Rockbrook House,
Rathfarnham circa 1941 and Sandycove circa 1961. Gordon died on 30.07.1963 aged 78 years at
his home in Sandycove and Beatrice died on 21.05.1970 aged 87 years at Our Lady’s Manor,
Dalkey, late of Rockall, Sandycove.
1 Chief Petty Officer Hon Patrick Gordon Campbell elder son born 06.06.1913 married Sylvia
Alfreda Willoughby-Lee daughter of Kenneth Willoughby-Lee on 07.08.1941 at St Ann’s
Church, Dawson Street, Dublin.
2 Hon Brigid Columbine Campbell born 26.06.1914 at 21 Great Denmark Street. Brigid an
international lacrosse player married Maurice Juby Robinson in May 1943 at Caxton Hall
and they were both killed by a bomb during the London blitz on 03.07.1944 in Kensington.
3 Hon Michael Campbell born 25.10.1924 in Dublin.
3 Captain Philip Gordon Elvery eldest son born 29.01.1885 at 1 Waverley Terrace. Philip, DMO MC
RAMC married Dorothy K Bradford youngest daughter of late Jabez Bradford of Penn House,
Yeovil, Somerset on 22.01.1920 in South Kensington.
4 Dorothy Moss (Kay) Elvery born 03.12.1886 at 1 Waverley Terrace, Kenilworth Square attended the
Metropolitan School of Art. She married Dr William Hobart Ashburner Kay on 17.05.1910 at St
George’s Cathedral, Cape Town. Kay was a founder member of the Eastern Province Society of Arts
and Crafts and in 1924 she was elected a member of the Royal British Colonial Society of Artists.
She died 13.05.1964 at Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
5 Ronald Moss Elvery born 15.04.1891 at Elsmere, Carrickmines. In 1919 Ronald and his brother
William. both Planters left Liverpool for Africa. Ronald died of TB on 28.03.1924 at the
Government Hospital, Blantyre, Nyasaland Protectorate. Informant: W M M Elvery, brother.
6 Mary Marjorie Moss Elvery born 04.05.1895 at Rothbury, Foxrock married Captain Martin Baird
Moore Tweed son of John Maar Tweed a Surgeon on 18.07.1919 at Kill Parish Church. Mary died
on 09.02.1968 in New Zealand.
7 William Malcolm Moss Elvery born 21.02.1897 at Foxrock. In 1919 William and his brother Ronald
left Liverpool for Africa. William married Esther Nancy Richards. Esther died on 01.01.1967.
William then married Dorothy Clark on 06.08.1967 at Kalk Bay, Cape Provence. William died
24.02.1973 aged 75 years at Knysna, Western Cape.
© June Bow & Karen Poff – April 2022
J W Elvery & Co, Waterproofers, India Rubber, Gutta percha and airproof manufacturers, surgical
hosiers and mechanical rubber dealers of Elephant House, 46 Lower Sackville St and 18 Nassau St.
William Elvery of 9 Leinster Road West son of John West Elvery a Merchant and Catherine Jane Fuller
married Mary Theresa Moss daughter of William Moss MD of 23 Kenilworth Square, Rathgar in 1881.
William Elvery married 10.08.1881 Mary Theresa Moss
born circa 1856 at St Peter’s Church born circa 1857
died 12.06.1934 died 31.03.1925
Bunny Creek Salisbury
Barton-on-Sea Zimbabwe
1 Edna Moss Elvery eldest daughter born 10.05.1882 at 2 Fortfield Terrace, Upper Rathmines
married James Stevenson Baiss only son of James Baiss of London on 10.06.1911 at Christ
Church Cathedral, Victoria, British Columbia.
2 Beatrice Moss Elvery born 13.04.1883 at 2 Fortfield Terrace. At the age of 13 in 1896 she
went to the Metropolitan School of Art in Dublin where she met William Orpen. She studied
sculpture under John Hughes. Beatrice was the model for William Orpen’s paintings of 'Bridgit'
in 1900 and 'The Colleen' in 1908. William and Beatrice remained close friends. She worked at An
Túr Gloine for 6 years designing windows for St Stephen’s Church, St Nicholas’ Church and a war
memorial for Carrickmines Church. Her window for a convent in Gort, Co Galway, led to a
negative critical review of Sarah Purser’s studio by W B Yeats.
Beatrice married Charles Henry Gordon Campbell son of James Henry Mussen Campbell KC on
01.08.1912 at Kill Parish Church. They went to live at Clonard in Terenure and their home was burnt
down by anti-treaty forces. Gordon inherited the title of Lord Glenavy when his father died in
1931 with Beatrice becoming Lady Glenavy. The family moved to Rockbrook House,
Rathfarnham circa 1941 and Sandycove circa 1961. Gordon died on 30.07.1963 aged 78 years at
his home in Sandycove and Beatrice died on 21.05.1970 aged 87 years at Our Lady’s Manor,
Dalkey, late of Rockall, Sandycove.
1 Chief Petty Officer Hon Patrick Gordon Campbell elder son born 06.06.1913 married Sylvia
Alfreda Willoughby-Lee daughter of Kenneth Willoughby-Lee on 07.08.1941 at St Ann’s
Church, Dawson Street, Dublin.
2 Hon Brigid Columbine Campbell born 26.06.1914 at 21 Great Denmark Street. Brigid an
international lacrosse player married Maurice Juby Robinson in May 1943 at Caxton Hall
and they were both killed by a bomb during the London blitz on 03.07.1944 in Kensington.
3 Hon Michael Campbell born 25.10.1924 in Dublin.
3 Captain Philip Gordon Elvery eldest son born 29.01.1885 at 1 Waverley Terrace. Philip, DMO MC
RAMC married Dorothy K Bradford youngest daughter of late Jabez Bradford of Penn House,
Yeovil, Somerset on 22.01.1920 in South Kensington.
4 Dorothy Moss (Kay) Elvery born 03.12.1886 at 1 Waverley Terrace, Kenilworth Square attended the
Metropolitan School of Art. She married Dr William Hobart Ashburner Kay on 17.05.1910 at St
George’s Cathedral, Cape Town. Kay was a founder member of the Eastern Province Society of Arts
and Crafts and in 1924 she was elected a member of the Royal British Colonial Society of Artists.
She died 13.05.1964 at Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
5 Ronald Moss Elvery born 15.04.1891 at Elsmere, Carrickmines. In 1919 Ronald and his brother
William. both Planters left Liverpool for Africa. Ronald died of TB on 28.03.1924 at the
Government Hospital, Blantyre, Nyasaland Protectorate. Informant: W M M Elvery, brother.
6 Mary Marjorie Moss Elvery born 04.05.1895 at Rothbury, Foxrock married Captain Martin Baird
Moore Tweed son of John Maar Tweed a Surgeon on 18.07.1919 at Kill Parish Church. Mary died
on 09.02.1968 in New Zealand.
7 William Malcolm Moss Elvery born 21.02.1897 at Foxrock. In 1919 William and his brother Ronald
left Liverpool for Africa. William married Esther Nancy Richards. Esther died on 01.01.1967.
William then married Dorothy Clark on 06.08.1967 at Kalk Bay, Cape Provence. William died
24.02.1973 aged 75 years at Knysna, Western Cape.
© June Bow & Karen Poff – April 2022