Breslin Sisters at Glencairn working for the Murphy family
Stephen Breslin a gardener married Mary Davis
Stephen Breslin married circa 1863 Mary Davis
born circa 1840 born circa 1840
died 09.07.1894 (54) died 30.04.1919 (79)
at Kilgobbin at Kilgobbin
Informant daughter Lizzie Informant son John
1 John Breslin born 18.01.1864 at Baltinglass, Wicklow. John, an unmarried gardener
in 1901 living with his mother and sister Lizzie at Kilgobbin, Glencullen, working for
Arthur Manly of Greenfield House.
2 Annie Breslin born 05.05.1866 at Kilgobbin. Annie working as a housemaid for the
Murphy family at Glencairn in 1901 married Edward McCormack a fruiterer of 5
Temple Road, Blackrock son of John McCormack on 23.04.1902 at the Roman
Catholic Chapel of Sandyford. Witnesses Thomas Moore and Maria Breslin
3 Maria Breslin born 13.12.1868 at Kilgobbin. Maria also working as a housemaid for
the Murphy family at Glencairn in 1901. Maria was still working for Mrs Murphy who
was now a widow in 1911 at 15 Herbert Street, Dublin.
4 Elizabeth (Lizzie) Breslawn born 18.10.1872 at Kilgobbin. Elizabeth an unmarried
dressmaker in 1901 living at at Kilgobbin, Glencullen with her mother and brother
John. Lizzie, late of Greenfield Lodge, Kilgobbin died at the RDL Asylum on
1 Oct 1915. Her funeral was at Sandyford RC Church and she was buried at
© June Bow & Karen Poff - April 2023