Williams family of Bloomville
Thomas Hutchins Williams married Frances Susannah
born 20 Feb 1792
died 1839
Thomas Hutchins Williams born 20 Feb 1792 son of John Jeffrey and Sarah Williams was baptised
7 Mar 1792 at St George the Martyr Church in London. Hutchins Thomas Williams a public notary
of Dublin petitioned the Lord Lieutenant for a license to operate as a stock broker in 1818 and
stated he was a partner in the firm of Gibbons and Williams of Dame Street. He was a banker,
stockbroker and notary public of Dame Street and they lived at Bloomville, Roebuck from 1829 to
1835. They also had a residence at 9 Merrion Square from 1832 and Hutchins was a churchwarden
in Taney the same year. He was described as a dealer and chapman trading as Gibbons and
Williams. In 1834 they brought a case against employee Richard Moore Powell, confidential clerk
who they claimed had embezzled £1925.13.5 from the firm. Their solicitor was William Williams.
Hutchins was bankrupt and due to surrender in January 1835. It was reported that Gibbons &
Williams owed 200k and had only 45k in assets. There was also an issue with the company name
and their trading name which implied an association with an older well established company. It
appeared that Hutchins ran the business on his own account and was a distant relation of
the original Williams firm. Montgomery & Stanley were appointed his assignees. The lease on
Friarsland, Bloomville and land with three dwelling at Windy arbour were put up for sale in March
1835. The lease, furniture and household goods of 9 Merrion Square were put up for sale in April
1835 and 39 Dame Street went the same way in 1836. Thomas aged 42 was in New York by May
1835 noted as a native of London, late of Dublin. He died at Simcoe, Norfolk, Ontario, Canada on
16 Feb 1839.
1 Eliza Williams born circa 1825 married Mr Loundes. She secondly married John Henry Ansley
in Ontario on 8 Mar 1875.
2 Hutchins Williams born circa 1828 in Dublin was a doctor and GP. He married Ellen Harriet
Coldham on 26 Jul 1866 at Snettisham, Norfolk. Ellen was the daughter of the Rev John
Coldham, vicar of Snettisham.
1 Harry William born circa 1871.
He secondly married Alice Kellock on 24 Oct 1888 at Holy Trinity Church, Lee. Alice was the
widow of J R Kellock. He was retired by 1911, living at Charlton, Kent and died in 1914.
3 Daughter Williams born July 1829 at Bloomville.
4 Son Williams born February 1833.
© June Bow & Karen Poff - December 2021
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Thomas Hutchins Williams married Frances Susannah
born 20 Feb 1792
died 1839
Thomas Hutchins Williams born 20 Feb 1792 son of John Jeffrey and Sarah Williams was baptised
7 Mar 1792 at St George the Martyr Church in London. Hutchins Thomas Williams a public notary
of Dublin petitioned the Lord Lieutenant for a license to operate as a stock broker in 1818 and
stated he was a partner in the firm of Gibbons and Williams of Dame Street. He was a banker,
stockbroker and notary public of Dame Street and they lived at Bloomville, Roebuck from 1829 to
1835. They also had a residence at 9 Merrion Square from 1832 and Hutchins was a churchwarden
in Taney the same year. He was described as a dealer and chapman trading as Gibbons and
Williams. In 1834 they brought a case against employee Richard Moore Powell, confidential clerk
who they claimed had embezzled £1925.13.5 from the firm. Their solicitor was William Williams.
Hutchins was bankrupt and due to surrender in January 1835. It was reported that Gibbons &
Williams owed 200k and had only 45k in assets. There was also an issue with the company name
and their trading name which implied an association with an older well established company. It
appeared that Hutchins ran the business on his own account and was a distant relation of
the original Williams firm. Montgomery & Stanley were appointed his assignees. The lease on
Friarsland, Bloomville and land with three dwelling at Windy arbour were put up for sale in March
1835. The lease, furniture and household goods of 9 Merrion Square were put up for sale in April
1835 and 39 Dame Street went the same way in 1836. Thomas aged 42 was in New York by May
1835 noted as a native of London, late of Dublin. He died at Simcoe, Norfolk, Ontario, Canada on
16 Feb 1839.
1 Eliza Williams born circa 1825 married Mr Loundes. She secondly married John Henry Ansley
in Ontario on 8 Mar 1875.
2 Hutchins Williams born circa 1828 in Dublin was a doctor and GP. He married Ellen Harriet
Coldham on 26 Jul 1866 at Snettisham, Norfolk. Ellen was the daughter of the Rev John
Coldham, vicar of Snettisham.
1 Harry William born circa 1871.
He secondly married Alice Kellock on 24 Oct 1888 at Holy Trinity Church, Lee. Alice was the
widow of J R Kellock. He was retired by 1911, living at Charlton, Kent and died in 1914.
3 Daughter Williams born July 1829 at Bloomville.
4 Son Williams born February 1833.
© June Bow & Karen Poff - December 2021
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